Tooth Extractions Treatment

Tooth Extraction in Dubai
Pulling a tooth is one of those frightening dental experiences for many. But with the friendly treatment from our dental experts in GYA Dental Center, you no longer have to worry about making that visit.

What Do You Need To Know Before Tooth Extraction Treatment Starts?
Why Would I Resort to Tooth Extraction or More?
Tooth extraction means a complete removal for one tooth or more from the root. There are several reasons that might make it necessary to extract a tooth, these reasons include:
Having a damaged tooth, which is probably the most common reasons for carrying out this procedure, whether it is a wisdom tooth, tooth decay might result from poor dental hygiene, frequently snacking or eating sugar-filled foods and drinks, oral bacteria, and avoiding regular checkups with your dentist, all of that might lead to tooth decay or infection which will require an extraction of the damaged tooth.
- Another reason for having to extract a tooth could be gum disease. Untreated gum diseases that might reach a stage of deterioration that the gum would become too loose or weak to support the tooth and hold it still in its place.
- A broken tooth sometimes requires extraction; If most of the tooth is lost, a restorative treatment might not be the best option to have, if the piece that is left from the tooth is not pulled out.
- A case that might cause an extraction could have extra teeth that are causing overcrowding, which creates an unattractive look, and biting difficulties and sore gums, so in order to give an aligned appearance for the teeth, the dentist might extract one tooth or more.
- There are some other not so common reasons for tooth extraction, such as having baby teeth as an adult, or taking some medications that cause infection or tooth decay.

Am I a Candidate for Tooth Extraction Procedure?
A candidate can not have one of the following cases:
Liver disease, heart disease or past cardiac surgeries, impaired immune system, having artificial joint, diabetes, hypertension.
Some common issues that would not enable the patient to go under the procedure, essentially if these conditions are not stable or require specific medications.
Yet there are other cases that would require a patient to take additional steps before heading to the chair and having a tooth or more extracted.
It is necessary to inform your dentist fully about all of your medical history before undergoing the treatment.

What Do You Need To Know During Tooth Extraction Treatment?
What it Involves in Tooth Extractions?
An X-ray might be necessary ahead of the procedure in order for your dentist to test your condition, then with the use of local anesthesia and you will not feel any pain during the procedure. It will only take a few minutes. But you will experience some pressure on the location of the tooth and hear the noise of grinding. The dentist may add stitches to control the bleeding if the case demands that.

What Do You Need To Know After Tooth Extraction Treatment Finished?
What are the Recovery Instructions after Tooth Extraction?
After the procedure is done, the dentist will give you a gauze in order to put pressure and control the bleeding.
Try to avoid any extra physical activity in the recovery period and take enough rest or as recommended by the dentist.
As for eating and drinking, avoid hard or crunchy food; resort to pureed and mashed foods or soup, avoid the use of straws, so you don’t put pressure on the area of the extracted tooth.
The dentists will prescribed painkillers, inform them ahead about any medications you were taking.
The dentist will stop you from taking any blood-thinning medications such as aspirin because it will slow down the recovery process.
Try to sleep on a comfortable pillow with a proper position that will not cause you any discomfort at night; use ice packs to ease the pain after the procedure.
You might have to change your adult tooth brush to a children’s toothbrush for a better control and softness; Do not smoke for at least two days after the treatment.

When Should I Contact the Dentist?
You should contact your dentist immediately if you have not recovered fully after the duration (usually 10 days) and have one of these symptoms:
- Fever, vomiting, or nausea.
- Infection and usual smell in the treated area.
- Increasing pain that is not alleviated by the painkillers or after the recovery duration is finished.
- Bleeding in the treated area.

Tooth extraction is a simple procedure but requires skill to be performed with no complications.
Remember to visit your dentist regularly in order to avoid any future issues with your teeth.
2 min Read | Updated January 01, 2022
Written by Dr. Gabriella Aftene
Dr. Gabreilla started her career at the University of N. Testimiteanu Medicine and Pharmacy, she went on to continue her studies at the University of Carol Davila Medicine and Pharmacy. She continued her education in Germany Frankfurt, Italy Genoa, Spain Seville, Portugal Lisbon and France Lyon.
Topics: Tooth Extractions
Our aim of this article is to spread awareness about general oral health, We do not consider all the information and the advice presented a substitute for consulting your dentist. Therefore, We would like to invite you to visit GYA Dental Center to know more about dental treatments, we will be happy to provide the best consultation regarding your case.