
Best Restorative Dentistry In Dubai (2024)



Restorative Dentistry in Dubai

Restoration of teeth is dealt with by a particular branch of dentistry known as restorative dentistry. It involved removing and repairing cavities, treating teeth injuries, covering up damaged teeth, and more.

Several treatment procedures are involved in teeth restoration, like dental crowns, fillings, implants, bridges, and more. These treatments focus on repairing and replacing damaged teeth and protecting one’s natural teeth alignment.

 Let’s get started! We will tell you about the various common teeth restorative treatments in detail.

Restorative Dentistry In Dubai

Types of Restorative Dentistry Treatments

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are used to cover up to three or more missing teeth.

These are suggested to patients only when suffering from extreme tooth decay, extractions, or several missing teeth.

These are some of the most affordable treatments and have a shorter recovery period.

However, they are prone to decay and fracture later on.

What are the Pros of Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns refer to metal or natural-colored restorations that replace any missing tooth structure.

Crowns are used to cover up any fractures, dental decay, and root canals. They act like caps, looking and functioning like natural teeth.

Your dentist will consider the color of your natural teeth, gum tissue positioning, location and function of the damaged tooth, and more before they allow you to get dental crowns.

Dental Implants

Another popular method of teeth restoration is dental implants.

These are generally placed on one’s jaw bone and offer excellent support to one’s teeth. Implants act like the roots of your teeth on which a single false tooth will be placed.

Getting dental implants is a lengthy procedure. You will have to wait for a long period of time between getting your implants and your false teeth.

This is because dentists need to wait for the area to heal before placing the teeth. Also, not everyone is eligible for this method.

A dentist needs to check whether one’s gums are healthy before scheduling a dental implant.

| GYA Dental Center | February, 2025
Dental Inlay and Onlays in Dubai

Onlays and Inlays

Onlays and inlays refer to gold or partial tooth-colored restorations that cover up small areas of damaged or missing tooth structure.

They consist of indirect restorative materials and are less invasive than dental crowns.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a process that includes both cosmetic and restorative procedures.

This method provides shape and structure to broken, fractured, or chipped teeth. A natural, tooth-colored resin will be applied to protect your damaged teeth or fill in any gaps between your teeth.

This procedure is concise and also hassle-free.

It keeps the rest of your natural teeth in place and prevents their misalignment.

Dental Composite Bonding


Dentures are usually prescribed to elderly individuals when their natural teeth get damaged beyond repair.

These dentures mimic natural teeth and generally come in a continuous tray. Thus, if you have several teeth missing on the same row, i.e. on the upper or lower row, or for both, you will be given dentures.

Dentures are beneficial because it prevents all the problems that occur due to the loss of too many teeth – any speech problems, repositioning of existing teeth or sagging of facial muscles.

Dentures are placed on the same day or a few weeks after your teeth have been removed.

Dental Fillings 

Dental fillings are used to restore tooth shape and function. A bacterial infection causes tooth decay.

This, in turn, affects the inner workings of the teeth. A dentist will help clean this decay with specialized tools before filling it in.

This also ensures that your teeth do not suffer any more damage.

There are several dental fillings like porcelain, silver, gold, and others. You do get to choose the type of filling you want, but your overall oral health will also be considered.

So you will need an initial consultation with your dentist and an X-ray to determine whether you even need a filling in the first place. 



The kind of teeth restoration procedures you require will determine the extent of your teeth damage, oral health, and other essential factors.

Consult our specialists dentists, so they can help you choose the most suitable restorative dentistry procedures according to your condition and enjoy a beautiful and confident smile.

Our aim of this article is to spread awareness about general oral health, We do not consider all the information and the advice presented a substitute for consulting your dentist. Therefore, We would like to invite you to visit GYA Dental Center to know more about dental treatments, we will be happy to provide the best consultation regarding your case.